CryptX minor bug fix

The new version 3.2.8 of CryptX fixes some minor bugs. No new features, but you should update.

If you have wishes or ideas for new features, please mail me 🙂

Work in progress…

I can not remember when i submitted so many versions of CryptX at one day. This is the third and the last version for today. But keep in mind, i will never stop working on it!

If you have found errors or bad behaviors or you are missing a feature/function contact me. I try to resolve every reported problem – as soon as possible.

Version 3.2.7 will now load the javascript only if necessary!
( see this thread at the support forum: link )

Update for CryptX available

Yesterday I received an email from Gerhard in which he informed me that there is a better solution to integrate javascripts. So far I had javascript in a ‚quick and dirty‘ method which involved what really goes elegantly with wordpress’s functions. I have my function now changed to ‚wp_enque_script()‚:

wp_enqueue_script( 'decryptx', plugins_url( '/js/cryptx.min.js' , __FILE__ ), array(), false, $cryptX_var['load_java'] );

Thanks Gerhard for the tip!

The new version 3.2.5 is now available on the Wordpress repository.

CryptX 3.2.4

Less than 24 hours after the release of version 3.2.3 already comes the version 3.2.4, where a „stupid“ mistake on my part is fixed.

I’m sorry. But I hope to have now found all the errors.

CryptX 3.2.3

The next bug-fixed version of my Wordpress plugin is online!

I fixed some minor bugs and added Wordpress Multisite support. Thanks for the feedback.

CryptX Review bei

Im Dezember 2012 wurden im Podcast von wieder einige Plugins in Augenschein genommen und bewertet. Aber warum erwähne ich das hier überhaupt? Weil diesmal sogar mein Wordpress Plugin CryptX auf dem Prüfstand war.

CryptX Review

Die Meinung von Dave Jackson, welcher als „Special Guest“ dabei war, hat mich sehr überrascht, aber im positiven Sinne. Von den 5 möglichen Punkten (Dragons) hat CryptX 5 erhalten. Aber nicht die Punkte haben mich so gefreut, sondern die positiven Worte die zum Plugin gesagt wurden. Hört euch den Podcast am besten selber an (ab Minute 14:25 geht es los).

Vielen dank an Dave Jackson und für diese Ehre!